*: Equal contribution among authors / Contribution égale entre auteurs


Legacy effects of past water abundance shape trees 7-years later. Chin ARO, Gessler A, Lain-Lacosta O, Østerlund I, Schaub M, Théroux-Rancourt G, Voggeneder K, Hille Ris Lambers J. (2025) American Journal of Botany e16452. free full text

Into the spongy-verse: structural differences between leaf and flower mesophyll. Schreel JDM, Théroux-Rancourt G, Diggle PK, Brodersen CR, Roddy AB. (2024) Integrative and Comparative Biology Icae154.

Linking foliar structure to function: why and how. (2024) Schreel JDM, Théroux-Rancourt G, Roddy AB.Functional Plant Biology 51, FP24150.

Analyzing anatomy over three dimensions unpacks the differences in mesophyll diffusive area between sun and shade Vitis vinifera leaves. Théroux-Rancourt G, Herrera C, Voggeneder K, Luijken N, Nocker L, Savi T, Scheffknecht S, Schneck M, Tholen D. (2023) AoB Plants 15, plad001.

Localized growth drives spongy mesophyll morphogenesis. Treado JD, Roddy AB, Théroux-Rancourt G, Zhang L, Ambrose C, Brodersen C, Shattuck MD, O’Hern CS. (2022) Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 19, 20220602. preprint version

Desiccation of the leaf mesophyll and its implications for CO2 diffusion and light processing. Momayyezi M, Borsuk A, Brodersen CR, Gilbert ME, Théroux-Rancourt G, Kluepfel D, McElrone A. (2022) Plant, Cell & Environment. 45, 1362–1381.

Structural organization of the spongy mesophyll. Borsuk AM, Roddy AB, Théroux-Rancourt G, Brodersen CR. (2022) New Phytologist 234, 946-960. free full text preprint version

The 3D construction of leaves is coordinated with water use efficiency in conifers. Trueba S, Théroux-Rancourt G, Earles JM, Buckley TN, Love D, Johnson DM, Brodersen CR. (2022) New Phytologist. 233, 851–861. free full text preprint

Understanding Airspace in Leaves: 3D Anatomy and Directional Tortuosity Harwood R*, Théroux-Rancourt G*, Barbour MM. (2021) Plant, Cell & Environment. 44, 2455-2465. free full text

Maximum CO2 diffusion inside leaves is limited by the scaling of cell size and genome size. Théroux-Rancourt G*, Roddy AB*, Earles JM, Simonin K, Zwieniecki MA, Boyce CK, Tholen D, McElrone A, Brodersen CR. (2021) Proceedings B of the Royal Society 288, 20203145.

This paper in the news:
Warum es für Blattzellen richtig war, im Lauf der Kreidezeit zu schrumpfen (Falter, March 31st, 2021)
Erbe aus der Kreidezeit machte heutiges Pflanzenwachstum möglich. (Der Standard, February 27, 2021)
Miniaturisierung von Pflanzenzellen verbesserte CO2-Aufnahme. (Austrian Press Agency, February 24, 2021)

A meta-analysis of mesophyll conductance to CO2 in relation to major abiotic stresses in poplar species. Elferjani R, Benomar L, Momayyezi M, Tognetti R, Niinemets Ü, Soolanayakanahally R, Théroux-Rancourt G, Tosens T, Lamara M, Ripullone F, Bilodeau-Gauthier S, Lamhamedi M, Calfapietra C. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, erab127.

Digitally deconstructing leaves in 3D using X-ray microcomputed tomography and machine learning. Théroux-Rancourt G*, Jenkins MR*, Brodersen CR, McElrone AJ, Forrestel EJ, Earles JM (2020) Applications in Plant Sciences 8(7), e11380.

Assessing adaptive and plastic responses in growth and functional traits in a 10-year old common garden experiment with pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) suggests that directional selection can drive climatic adaptation. George JP, Théroux-Rancourt G, Rungwattana K, Scheffknecht S, Momirovic N, Neuhauser L, Weißenbacher L, Watzinger A, Hietz P (2020) Evolutionary Applications 13, 2422–2438.

Shape matters: the pitfalls of analyzing mesophyll anatomy. Théroux-Rancourt G*, Voggeneder K, Tholen D* (2020) New Phytologist 225(6), 2239–2242.

The scaling of genome size and cell size limits maximum rates of photosynthesis with implications for ecological strategies. Roddy AB, Théroux-Rancourt G, Abbo T, Benedetti JW, Brodersen CR, Castro M, Castro S, Gilbride AB, Jensen B, Jiang GF, Perkins JA, Perkins SD, Loureiro J, Syed Z, Thompson RA, Kuebbing SE, Simonin KA (2020) International Journal of Plant Sciences 181, 75–87.

Beyond porosity: 3D leaf intercellular airspace traits that impact mesophyll conductance. Earles JM*, Théroux-Rancourt G*, Gilbert ME, McElrone A, Brodersen C (2018) Plant Physiology 178(1), 148–162. doi: 10.1104/pp.18.00550

The bias of a 2D view: Comparing 2D and 3D mesophyll surface area estimates using non-invasive imaging of internal leaf structure. Théroux-Rancourt G*, Earles JM*, Gilbert ME, Zwieniecki MA, Boyce CK, McElrone A, Brodersen C (2017)New Phytologist 215(4), 1609–1622. doi: 10.1111/nph.14687

Temperature gradients assist carbohydrate allocation within trees. Sperling O, Silva L, Tixier A, Théroux-Rancourt G, Zwieniecki MA (2017) Scientific Reports 7, 3265. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03608-w

Excess diffuse light absorption in upper mesophyll limits CO2 drawdown and depresses photosynthesis. Earles JM, Théroux-Rancourt G, Gilbert ME, McElrone A, Brodersen C (2017) Plant Physiology doi: 10.1104/pp.17.00223

The light response of mesophyll conductance is controlled by structure across leaf profiles. Théroux-Rancourt G, Gilbert ME (2017) Plant, Cell & Environment 40, 726–740. doi: 10.1111/pce.12890

Greater efficiency of water use in poplar clones having a delayed response of mesophyll conductance to drought. Théroux-Rancourt G, Éthier G, Pepin S (2015) Tree Physiology 35, 172–184.

Threshold response of mesophyll CO2 conductance to leaf hydraulics in highly transpiring hybrid poplar clones exposed to soil drying. Théroux-Rancourt G, Éthier G, Pepin S (2014) Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 741–753.

Evaluating fluxes in Histosols for water management in lettuce: a comparison of mass balance, evapotranspiration and lysimeter methods. Lafond J, Bergeron Piette E, Caron J, Théroux-Rancourt G (2014)Agricultural Water Management 135, 73–83.

Optimal irrigation for onion, celery production and spinach seeds germination in histosols. Rekika D, Caron J, Théroux-Rancourt G, Lafond J, Jenni S, Gosselin A (2014)Agronomy Journal 106, 981–996.

Nitrogen budget for fertilized carrot cropping systems in a Quebec organic soil. Caron J, Théroux-Rancourt G, Bélec C, Tremblay N, Parent LE (2014)Canadian Journal of Soil Science 94, 139–148

Assessment of Methods to Determine the Loss of Water and Nitrate in a Lettuce Crop Grown in Organic Soil. Bergeron Piette E, Caron J, Théroux-Rancourt G, Rekika D, Gosselin A, Parent LE (2011) Acta horticulturae 889, 403–408.

Cloudberry cultivation in cut-over peatlands: hydrological and soil physical impacts on the growth of different clones and cultivars. Théroux-Rancourt G, Rochefort L, Lapointe L (2009) Mires and Peat 5, 06, 1-16.

Book chapters

Abiotic Stress. Bastiaanse H, Théroux-Rancourt G, Tixier A (2017) In: Comparative and Evolutionary Genomics of Angiosperm Trees. Eds.: A Groover, Q Cronk. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-49329-9. doi: 10.1007/7397_2016_13

Cloudberry. In: Production of berries in peatland, 2nd edition. Bellemare M, Théroux-Rancourt G, Lapointe L, Rochefort L (2009) Peatland Ecology Research Group. Université Laval, Québec. p. 3-44.


Relations entre la conductance du mésophylle au CO2 et l’hydraulique des tiges et des feuilles chez des clones de peupliers hybrides variant en sensibilité à la sécheresse. Ph.D. Thesis. Université Laval.

Influence de l’hydrologie, du substratum et de la restauration d’une tourbière abandonnée sur la croissance de la chicouté. M.Sc. Thesis. Université Laval.